5 Things a Man Wants in a Woman

5 Things a Man Wants in a Woman

Ensuring a man's happiness is often considered a woman's responsibility. However, understanding what truly makes him happy can be challenging. Let's dispel any misconceptions: men are straightforward beings. No need for extraordinary wit to bring a smile; it's about fulfilling their desires.

So, what does your man desire?

1. He Desires Your Culinary Delights

Surprisingly, men, whether in Kolkata or elsewhere, appreciate simplicity in the kitchen. Gordon Ramsay-level skills aren't necessary; your cooking is likely more than sufficient. Worried about complaints? Rest assured, men are unlikely to critique—just embrace the effort

2. He Wants You to Call Him 'Daddy'

Call your man 'daddy' for a little kink in the bedroom. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to go out of your way to call him daddy… it just means that when he is being dominated in the bedroom, you should give him the respect he deserves. Men are very competitive by nature and want nothing more than to win their woman's love. If you make him feel like he is dominant over you sexually, then he will feel as though he has won your heart! Just make sure not to call him daddy outside of the bedroom! It might be weird.

3.  He Wants You to Pay for the Bill

Your man doesn't want you to do this all of the time, just a couple of times a month will be sufficient. If he knows that there are going to be several nights a week where her women in Kolkata is going to pay, then he is going to feel as though he owes you on those other nights. While your man might see paying for dinner as an investment… it's no more an investment than him trying his best to please you in bed so that you'll keep sleeping with him. So if he picks up the check once every few weeks, consider yourself lucky and go enjoy some 'favors' from your man!

Final Words:

Your man wants nothing more than to provide for you and be the dominate male of your relationship. He wants to know that he can take care of you and that you're not going to leave him for a richer, better-looking guy… so just let him!
